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Being a company member requires a significant commitment and in return provides a rewarding experience for the dancers and parenets.  Dedication, responsibility, communication, and most of all, a good attitude are all very important in order to create a positive and cohesive dance environment for everyone.



  • Required

    • Mini Co. Jazz 

    • Mini Co. Tap

    • Mini Co. Ballet & Choreo.


    • September 18th 1:00-3:00pm

    • September 25th 1:00-3:00pm 



  • Required

    • Junior Co. Class 

    • 1 Jazz (Level 2 or 3)

    • 1 Ballet (Level 2 or 3)

    • Junior Co. Acrobatics (optional) 

    • Junior Co. Hip Hop (optional) 


    • October 16th 12:30-3:30pm

    • October 30th 12:30-3:30pm 



  • Required

    • Ballet: 2 classes

    • Jazz: 2 classes

    • Teen Company Class 


    • September 11th 1:30-3:30pm

    • October 16th 4:00-6:00pm

    • November 6th 12:00-2:00pm



  • Required

    • Perf. Co. Ballet Saturday 12:45 - 2:00

    • Perf. Co. Jazz Saturday 12:45 - 2:00

    • Perf. Co. Choreo Saturday 3:15 - 4:15


    • October 2nd 2:00-5:00pm 

    • October 9th 2:00-5:00pm 

    • October 30th 9:00-12:00pm 

    • November 6th 2:00-5:00pm 



One costume per dance will be required. These will range approximately $200 per costume. A costume deposit of $75 per dance will be due. Please buy all tights and shoes through the studio to ensure that you are getting the right color, style, etc.


Please note that there will be choreography fee for all competition numbers. This fee should be paid by check directly to the choreographer at the start of learning a new routine. This cannot be paid through the studio. Please make out one check separately for each choreographer.




  • March 3-5 KAR, Redondo Beach (Competition) 

  • April 28-30 Rainbow, Redondo Beach (Competition) 

  • May 19-21 MOVE, Pasadena (Competition) 



  • February 10-12 Hollywood Vibe, Garden Grove (Optional Convention) 

  • March 3-5 KAR, Redondo Beach (Competition) 

  • April 28-30 Rainbow, Redondo Beach (Competition) 

  • May 12-14 Jump, L.A. (Convention/Competition, Sunday Optional)

  • May 19-21 MOVE, Pasadena (Competition) 



  • February 10-12 Hollywood Vibe, Garden Grove (Optional Convention) 

  • March 3-5 KAR, Redondo Beach (Competition) 

  • April 28-30 Rainbow, Redondo Beach (Competition) 

  • May 12-14 Jump, L.A. (Convention/Competition, Sunday Optional)

  • May 19-21 MOVE, Pasadena (Competition) 



  • February 10-12 Hollywood Vibe, Garden Grove (Optional Convention) 

  • March 3-5 KAR, Redondo Beach (Competition) 

  • April 28-30 Rainbow, Redondo Beach (Competition) 

  • May 12-14 Jump, L.A. (Convention/Competition, Sunday Optional)




In fairness to all the dancers in the company, if you have a conflict and miss a rehearsal immediately prior to a competition/ performance it will be at the choreographer’s discretion to decide if you are allowed to perform. If you have a conflict and need to miss a competition, it must be on your conflict sheet (due September 17). In fairness to the other dancers in the routine, if you miss a competition that was not on your conflict sheet, then you will be restaged out of the routine for the rest of the year. Please plan concerts, weekend vacations, and parties around your competition schedule.


It is important to honor your hard work by attending all awards ceremonies. Staying for awards is mandatory at all competitions. Sometimes this is not convenient and there will be a long break before awards. Parents please arrange carpools so only a couple of you are “stuck” there, and dancers please bring your homework.


Every dancer is required to take ALL classes at a convention, and to stay through the closing ceremonies, sometimes that is the most inspiring part of the convention, and we would not want any dancers to miss out. Parents please plan on this in advance and arrange carpools if needed. Competitions and conventions are long weekends so please plan in advance for these weekends.


Every team member must have a credit or debit card on file with the studio. This card will not be used for tuition charges without your permission. It will only be used to make payments that are essential after announced deadlines. You will be notified well in advance for payment amounts and deadlines for competitions/conventions as well as costume payment deposits and final payment deadlines. You will also get a reminder notice if time permits. On the morning after the deadline if payment has not been received the credit card will be automatically charged. 


Privates are to be paid in advance or at the time of the private. If payment for a private has not been paid on time, the credit card will automatically be charged on the next business day to cover the private. With your permission the credit card can be used to set up an account that allows your child to purchase items at the snack bar and the credit card will be charged after the balance has reached $20. There are no exceptions to this policy and to be a member in good standing with the Team a valid and usable credit or debit card must be on file. If the card has expired or does not accept a charge, you must get another card tothe studio within 24 hours or suspension from future performances couldresult. 


***Please note that choreography payments are not made through the studio, and therefore cannot be paid by card.***


***An additional late fee with be added to any privates that are not paid at the time of the private. An additional 15 minutes will be added to the private charge for the late fee.***


As a member of the Brentwood Academy of Dance Company:


  1. I will be supportive of all company members and treat all members with the same respect I want to receive. I understand that the Brentwood Academy of Dance is a team, and each and every dancer is an important member of the team.

  2. I will be respectful to my teachers, choreographers, and dance captains at all times.

  3. I will participate in all scheduled community performances, fundraisers, and competitions. If I need to miss a competition, I will notify my teachers by September 30. If I need to miss a performance I will notify my teachers at least 3 weeks in advance.

  4. I understand there is an open door policy within the company and if I have a concern I can always speak to Karen, Ashley, Aleks or any of my other teachers about it.

  5. I understand that disobeying the dance team rules, not fulfilling my commitment, or having a negative attitude may cause dismissal from the company at any point in time.

  6. I understand that all practices and technique classes are mandatory. If I miss a required class, I must make up that class within two weeks. If I miss a company practice, I must get with the dance captains and learn any choreography or corrections that I missed. If I miss the last company rehearsal before a performance, then I may be pulled from the performance.

  7. I understand there will be a dance captain for every competition routine. The choreographer will choose the dance captain. I will listen to the captains with respect and follow his/her directions. If I am chosen as a dance captain, I am responsible for knowing all the counts, steps and dynamics for the routine. I am also responsible for taking charge in rehearsals or at competitions, when needed. At competitions, I will also be required to gather my dance members together and make sure everyone is preparing to perform the routine, which includes warming the group up, running necessary parts of the routine, and huddling the group in for last minute words of motivation.

  8. I will show up on time (or early), dressed, and ready to all of my call times.

  9. I will attend all awards ceremonies at competition. I understand that I am not allowed to leave a competition before awards, and will stay through the entire awards ceremony. (Special circumstances must be cleared at least one week in advance with the teachers.)

  10. 1I understand that I am required to take all classes at a convention, and may not leave the convention early. If I have a conflict and need to leave early, I must communicate this with the teachers at least one week prior to the convention. NO EXCEPTIONS!


As a parent/s of a BAD Dance Company member:

  1. I understand that we are financially obligated to pay all required costs of Company, including tuition, competition fees, choreography fees, costume fees, etc. These items are not optional and once my daughter and I sign this contract, I will pay for these items by the given due dates.

  2. I understand in the unlikely event that my daughter decides to quit or is dismissed from the Company, I am only financially responsible for all required costs up to that point in time. No refunds will be given for costumes or competitions.

  3. Once the team has made a rule or decision, we respectfully ask that you abide by it, even if you may disagree. With 70+ dancers in the company, it is impossible to have consensus on every issue and we appreciate your understanding that we cannot accommodate every request.

  4. I understand that my son/daughter will not be in all the competition routines and I must prepare him/her for this. The choreographers decide the dancers in each routine and we will respect their decisions.

  5. In order to improve communication we ask that the dancers address any issues directly with the teachers. If further discussion is required with the parents, time will be arranged to discuss, but communication begins with the dancer and teachers.

  6. After a dancer has addressed a concern with us, if you need further discussion, please contact the studio or the team moms to arrange a time to speak with the teachers. We have found fielding questions or concerns during teaching hours or competitions does not always allow us to properly focus on your concern. Please do not e-mail concerns, or address concerns at a competition/performance

  7. Call times are very important so that the dancers and teachers have ample time to prepare for the performance. I understand if my child misses a call time it is up to the discretion of the choreographer whether the dancer will perform in that piece or if  the dancer’s solo will be pulled from a future competition.

  8. I understand that the teachers are there to give my child the best dance education possible. I also understand that they have an open door policy regarding my dancer. However they will not discuss or compare another dancers progress, technique level, placement in routines etc. with me. Every child is special and different, and I will not compare my dancer with another.

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